The following materials provide a many faceted overview of Home Education for your church or other organization library. The cost of these items, new, should be from $100-125.
The Right Choice--Home Schooling (The Incredible Failure of Public Education
and the Rising Hope Of Home Schooling); Klicka, Christopher J.;ISBN 0-923463
"Reading Chris Klicka's book is like getting a fine college course
at one sitting. It should open even the most tightly closed eyes."
John Taylor Gatto, New York Teacher of the Year.
Family Matters (Why Homeschooling Makes Sense); Guterson, David
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ISBN 0-15-193097-x
"Family Matters is straight talk from a teacher and father who cares
about our national crisis in education.": Charles Johnson, author of
Middle Passage.
Dumbing Us Down (The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling);
John Taylor Gatto; New Society Publishers, ISBN 0-86571-231-x
"Your words very concisely captured all my frustrations and concerns
of wanting to be an 'educator' in a society that schools well but fails
to educate." Kathleen Trumbull, Teacher, SilverBay, MN
How to Write a Low Cost / No Cost Curriculum (For Your Home-School Child);
Hendrickson, Borg; Mountain Meadow Press, ISSBN 0-945519-10-9
"...clearly and comprehensively laid the route to the home-school alternative
-- legal procedures, dealing with school officials, socialization, motivation,
statements of intent, annual evaluations,...curriculum planning and materials,
lesson planning, schedules and calendars, record keeping, support groups and
services, readings and resources, teaching methods and keys to effective
teaching." Mountain Meadow Press.
Christian Home Educators' Curriculum Manual - Junior/Senior High; Duffy, Cathy;
Home Run Enterprises, ISBN 0-929320-02-6
"This is the one curriculum resource book that every home schooling family
needs." Gregg Harris.
"A good investment for serious home schoolers". Mary Pride.
Note: there is now a similar title for elementary grades.
You Can Teach Your Child Successfully (Grades 4-8): Beechick, Ruth;
Arrow Press, ISBN 0-940319-04-7
"Although Dr. Beechick is a highly experienced teacher and curriculum developer,
she believes that parents are the best teachers of their children. She sweeps
away the mystery that surrounds education. After reading this book you no
longer will feel that teachers know secrets that are hid from you. You will
be a well-informed teacher yourself." from book jacket.
There are also a series of math, reading, languages booklets for K-3.
Freedom Challenge : African American Homeschoolers
Grace Llewellyn (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1996
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There are several magazines available.